Coulee Dam, Looking West by Z. Vanessa Helder

What Do You Know About Regionalism?

The annual Western American Art Symposium this year is called Beyond America’s Heartland: Regionalism and the Art of the American West. This full-day event hosted by the Petrie Institute of Western American Art at the Denver Art Museum takes place on Thursday, January 4, 2018. Featuring four presentations by leading scholars from across the United States, this symposium examines regionalism and its impact on artists working in the American West.

Before the symposium, take our quiz to see how much you know about regionalism.


1. What was going on in the United States when regionalism arose?

a) American Civil War

b) Cold War

c) Great Depression

d) Watergate

2. What art movement did regionalism follow?

a) Pop art

b) Abstract expressionism

c) Cubism

d) Postmodernism

3. Regionalism reached its height of popularity during what decade?

a) 1820s

b) Early 1900s

c) 1930s

d) 1950s

4. What is Grant Wood’s most famous painting?

a) Nighthawks

b) Oriental Poppies

c) American Gothic

d) Christina’s World

5. What is another genre associated with regionalism?

a) Nationalism

b) Romanticism

c) American scene painting

d) Impressionism

Answers: If you answered “c” to all of the above, you’re right!

Learn more and register for the symposium.

Image: Z. Vanessa Helder, Coulee Dam, Looking West, 1940. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture/Eastern Washington State Historical Society, Spokane, Washington, 2585.3