Una reflexión sobre el diseño

Inauguración del Edificio Martin

The completely reimagined Martin Building opened at the Denver Art Museum at the end of October. This exciting event is the perfect inspiration to look closely at the design (or redesign) of the building and get creative.

Inspirémonos para crear juntos

Design is all around us, whether it takes the form of objects and spaces (like the renovated martin building), images and interactions, or systems and processes. Beyond meeting a need, design can experiment with forms, techniques, or materials to be an expression of a concept or of beauty.

Check out this Web Quest, where you can explore notions of design and learn about the design process, a creative problem-solving process. How do artists solve problems? Use these activities and videos online at home or in the classroom to spark curiosity, conversation, and critical thinking.

Experiment with redesigning an object of your choice for different users in this creative challenge.

Pensar juntos

Design sits at the intersection of empathy and creativity. It is difficult to separate the content of a work and its form; thus designers have a unique ability to instill beauty into their work in order to stimulate our senses and connect an item to the culture in which it is produced. Great designers find solutions and aesthetics that accentuate value.

Watch this video featuring the Basket Chair by Isamu Noguchi and Isamu Kenmochi and consider the form and function of this design.

How do you think the Martin Building renovation considered beauty and function?

Related Creativity Resources