illustration of a bunny wearing a box with a robot costume outlined

Imagine the Possibilities of a Box

Book cover of Not a Box by Antoinette Portis
Book Recommendation

Not a Box

Antoinette Portis

TIP: Once you have read this book, share a variety of different sizes of cardboard boxes with your students and brainstorm different ideas of what these boxes could become. Check out below how cardboard boxes were used in the museum!


V3H1CL3, Jason Rogenes, 2015

A cardboard box is one of the best tools for play. This story sparks the imagination of young children for what else a box could be.

Prompting Questions:

  • What else could be made with this box?
  • What would you want to make with this box?
  • Why can a cardboard box become so many different things?
  • Have you ever used your imagination to make something wonderful from a boring, cardboard box?

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