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About the Educator

Sarah Shay is a Denver-based artist. Shay paints in order to slow down and pay attention to the spaces where our personal lives and collective experiences connect. Shay studied Photography and Anthropology at the University of Iowa, and Community Arts and Education at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Teaching and learning are at the core of her artistic practice, with teaching experience in K-12, Higher Education, and community-based programming in Colorado.

To request a sign language interpreter or any other accessibility service, email access@denverartmuseum.org at least ten (10) business days in advance of the program. We will make every effort to provide accommodation for requests made outside of that window of time.

Class Cancellation Policy: If a class or workshop needs to be cancelled due to inclement weather or teacher illness, a “make-up” day will be scheduled on a Friday or Saturday as the educator’s schedule allows.