About the Educator
Arthur Williams (AIFD, EMC, CFD, CPF) is known for his floral headdresses and the use of natural tension in his work. With a background in gardening, sculpture, and photography, he entered the floral industry in 1996, and opened his own business, Babylon Floral Design, Inc., in 2004. One of the first seven people in Colorado to become a Certified Professional Florist, he is also a Certified Floral Designer at the national level. Arthur was inducted into the American Institute of Floral Designers in 2015 and just completed EMC, the European Master Certification program Cycle 3 in 2016.
Arthur has been featured in International Floral Art, Nacre, Florists’ Review, 50-Mile Bouquet, and many other publications. In 2018, Arthur took home a Bronze Medal for his work for the annual World Flower and Garden Show in Japan. He is a past Creative-in-Residence at the Denver Art Museum and has been on the selection committee for the program.
To request a sign language interpreter or any other accessibility service, email access@denverartmuseum.org at least ten (10) business days in advance of the program. We will make every effort to provide accommodation for requests made outside of that window of time.
Class Cancellation Policy: If a class or workshop needs to be cancelled due to inclement weather or teacher illness, a “make-up” day will be scheduled on a Friday or Saturday as the educator’s schedule allows.