Accessibility is everyone’s responsibility, but many museums are unsure of where or how to start. The Art of Access: A Practical Guide for Museum Accessibility is for anyone looking to begin their journey to building a more accessible and inclusive museum. Each chapter presents practical actions that any museum or cultural institution (regardless of the size, budget, or scope) can take to better engage and welcome visitors of all ages and abilities. This book will illustrate the incremental ways to build a comprehensive approach to accessibility that can be easily integrated into the fabric of your museum.
Nearly 25% of the population has a disability. That means 25% of museum visitors may also have a disability. Many people may not be visiting museums because they do not see them as being welcoming to people with disabilities. Museums are amazing places, and in each of our work, Heather Pressman and I promote inclusive practices that ensure visitors of all ages and abilities can enjoy and be inspired by their museum visits.
Heather and I connected five years ago through the Art of Access Alliance Denver, a group of Denver-area individuals and organizations who work to advance accessible and inclusive practices across Denver’s cultural organizations. Over the years, she and I collaborated on presentations at different regional and national conferences, sharing about how to get started in museum accessibility. We grew increasingly frustrated that there wasn’t a single source of information and collective resources that we could point people to reference. This book offers museums of all sizes a place to start on their accessibility and inclusion journey.
Learn more about accessibility at the DAM.