Events at the Museum
Member Tours of All Stars
Logan Lecture: Dyani White Hawk
Printmaking: Relief Carving with Intuitive Patterns
Utilizing traditional techniques of carving, we will be working with linoleum to put a contemporary twist on a classic medium of printmaking. Within this class, you will reflect on line, shape, pattern, and repetition to begin to understand layering in relief. Relief traditionally began in Japan with prints like the "Great Wave". Students will take traditional pattern elements and build on printmaking's ability to develop layers to create a series of one-of-a-kind prints. What you will learn can be carried on and done even at your own home after the 6-week class is done!
Member Tours of All Stars
Reception and Curator Tour for Weaving a Foundation
Collage: Embellishing for Dramatic Effect
In this workshop, students will explore various collage techniques that focus on manipulating materials to tell stories. Students will create layers and nuance to describe emotions, sequences of events, and the complexities of memories. Students will arrange their final embellishments into a collage and share their stories with the group.